Why Sharing is Good for Your Health

Did you know that sharing with others is scientifically proven to be good for your brain? Research shows that sharing is good, and when you give to others, it positively impacts your brain. Anything that triggers the neurochemical drivers of happiness –– Dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin –– will improve your mood. Therefore, it’s straightforward –– the more often you give to others, the better you’ll feel. Whether it’s giving a hug or away your last piece of gum, scientifically sharing is good for your brain.

We have shared with others since the beginning of civilization and interaction. It is one of the primary ways we learn to communicate. As kids, we are taught to share by our parents and are resistant to this act as we are instinctively territorial. However, we learn to share when we notice the kind of joy that it brings to the person we choose to share ourselves and our belongings with. This effect does not just extend to sharing material objects but also our experiences, good or bad. Sharing our joy and our pain. Telling people about your happiness or when you aren’t having the best day, can lead to multiplying your happiness or change the direction of a rather tumultuous day.

Some cultures more than others encourage sharing. People from these cultures open up their homes to traveling visitors and those curious about learning about their cultural practices. However, sharing doesn’t always need to be this grand gesture. The best thing about sharing is that it can be immaterial. You can share embraces, smiles, pleasant words, experiences, stories and so much more. You can even share tasks and responsibilities. No matter in which capacity you choose to share, sharing inspires positive feelings in your mind. It builds trust in others and helps us build better relationships, which in turn sustain us for the rest of our lives.




Holistic Menopause Relief Through Acupuncture: My Feature in Diablo Magazine

I was recently featured in Diablo Magazine, where I shared my holistic approach to managing menopause symptoms through acupuncture. In the article, I explain how acupuncture can help balance the body and alleviate various menopause-related issues. For more details on my methods and tips for a healthy lifestyle during menopause.

Woman practicing yoga for perimenopause bloating relief while considering hrt during perimenopause.

10 Natural Ways to Reduce Perimenopause Bloating

Perimenopause bloating can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience for many women. While it’s a common symptom during this transition, there are natural ways to find relief. From simple dietary adjustments to gentle exercises and stress-reducing techniques, this article explores 10 effective strategies to help you reduce perimenopause bloating and regain your confidence.


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