The Power of your Origin Story

As January wraps up and we have a few new faces in the CARRINNA community, I think it is the perfect time to share the inspiration and purpose behind why I started CARRINNA and my desire to shift the conversation around graceful aging.

Through more than 20 years in holistic health,16 years of spiritual and personal development, and my passion for beauty and style, I had an epiphany as I was entering my fourth decade in life that set in motion my desire to learn how to navigate the aging process more gracefully than what I saw in the media, and from those around me. I took the realization that I was approaching the halfway mark of my life and channeled it into education and a desire to be of service to those grappling with the same concerns and questions.

My journey into the world of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine was divinely orchestrated, starting with a desire to heal my body naturally from an ovarian cyst that doctors deemed surgical. I turned to acupuncture– which was a big step due to my fear of needles– and within a couple of months the cyst was gone and my dedication to Chinese medicine began.

Traveling through aging has given me the opportunity to learn about myself. The last few years have brought many experiences and lessons, but the most important ones centers on acceptance and self-love.

The foundation of CARRINNA sparked from these Four Coveted Principles:

  • Loving myself unconditionally will make me a better person and healer
  • Society and cultural norms about aging can not define who I am
  • Aging is happening and the only way I will have a joyful life is to find acceptance and positivity around all the physical and mental changes.
  • I would like to see a world where people are celebrated at all stages of their lives, especially women as we age.

Holding these principles close to her heart, CARRINNA was born. A variation of Carine, with a unique spelling. The meaning of both words is “Beloved” and; dearly loved. So we welcome you to CARRINNA, a platform where you can feel dearly loved and celebrated for being YOU.
Know someone that could use this community? Forward this email as an invitation to join us!


The Path to Radical Self-Love: Insights from My MysticMag Interview

Hi everyone! I’m excited to share an interview I recently did with MysticMag about the inspiration behind CARRINNA and my approach to holistic health, beauty and aging. In this interview, I open up about my personal experiences that influenced my holistic philosophy and the services I offer through my practice.


What do you think?